Why Do Celebrities Get IV Drips?

Why Do Celebrities Get IV Drips?

Celebrities ranging from Kendall Jenner to Rihanna to Kim Kardashian to Chrissy Teigen to Cindy Crawford have all been trying one of the latest health trends — vitamin IV drips. Many celebrities have even gone on social media and posted pictures of themselves receiving their infusion or spoken out about the many benefits they've received as a result of this procedure.


What Are the Reasons Celebs Are Getting Vitamin IV Drips?

Vitamin IV drips offer a wide range of benefits, so the reason each celebrity receives their infusion is unique. The most common reasons celebs love this procedure include the vitamin IV drip being able to promote:


  • Weight loss: Weight loss IV drips help celebrities regulate their vitamin levels, fight fatigue and boost their metabolism so they have the energy needed to work out and lose weight for roles or events. The vitamins and minerals in these drips also promote a faster recovery after an intense workout. 


  • Healthy skin and hair: Celebrities are always in the spotlight, so they want to ensure their skin and hair are looking their best. Beauty IV drips feature vitamins and minerals which promote clear and glowing skin. 


  • Boosted immunity: With their busy schedules involving touring, acting, press conferences and red carpet appearances, celebs needing sick days can disrupt carefully planned events. That's why many celebrities receive vitamin IV drips to boost their immunity and help them stay healthy.


  • Hangover Recovery- Those big A-list parties can easily lead to hangovers and all the unpleasantness that comes with them. IV drips can alleviate symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and headaches, allowing celebrities to feel better and recover faster. 


Source: https://www.hydrateyouiv.com/why-do-celebrities-get-iv-drips

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